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Law Firm in UAE

Copyright Registration

With decades of experience in the industry, Legal Maxims assists clients across various industries with respect to all their copyright issues
Copyrigth registration

Copyright Registration & Enforcement

With decades of experience in the industry, Legal Maxims assists clients across various industries with respect to all their copyright issues.

Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects literary and artistic works, range from books, music, paintings, sculpture, and films, to computer programs, databases, advertisements, maps, and technical drawings. Protection is available for “original works of authorship” that are fixed in a tangible form, whether published or unpublished. The primary goal of Copyright law is to protect the time, effort, and creativity of the creator of the original Work.

Copyright Law gives the Copyright owner certain exclusive rights, including the right to:

  • Reproduce the Work
  • Prepare “Derivative Works” (other Works based on the original Work)
  • Distribute copies of the Work by Sale, Lease, or other Transfer of Ownership
  • Perform the Work publicly
  • Display the Work publicly

Generally, Copyright protection is provided for Works whose means of expression is writing, sound, drawing, image, motion pictures, creative titles or computer software. Translation of original Works is also protected under Copyright law.

Documents Required for Copyright Registration in UAE

  • Certificate of origin, indicating the name of the author and/or assignee
  • An authorization from the licensee and/or owner for exhibiting or circulating the material in a specified region/territory
  • A certificate from the licensee stipulating that all applicable royalties have been collected
  • A certificate of non-violation of restrictions on folklore, issued by the Department of Culture at the Ministry of Information & Culture

Copyright registration devolves on the owner of work as soon as it is created, but it is considered prudent to register your copyright since it ensures a better legal protection against infringers. The duration of the protection is for the lifetime of the author plus 50 years after his death or 50 years from the date of publication in cases of cinematographic works, works of corporate bodies and works published for the first time after the death of the author. The term of protection vary according to the kind of work.

Prerequisites for Publishing under the UAE Law

A prior approval has to be obtained for publishing, exhibiting or circulating of Copyrighted material. Applications filed with the Ministry of Information & Culture must contain the following:

  • Certificate of origin, indicating the name of the author and/or assignee.
  • An authorization from the licensee and/or owner for exhibiting or circulating the material in a specified region/territory.
  • A certificate from the licensee stipulating that all applicable royalties has been collected.
  • A certificate of non-violation of restrictions on folklore, issued by the Department of Culture at the Ministry of Information & Culture.

As per the law, the assignee/author’s representatives and their successors are only entitled to exercise these rights. Copyrights may be assigned to a third party. Assignments must be made in writing, indicating the details of the applicable period, usage and region/territory it’s related to, etc.

We Help in Copyright Protection in UAE

With decades of experience in the industry, Legal Maxims assists clients across various industries with respect to all their copyright issues. Our team of professionals and experts in Dubai are well experienced not only in copyright registration services in UAE but also on all aspects of Copyright laws including sending Cease and Desist Notice, Copyright Infringement Litigations, Enforcement of Copyrights, and so on.

The advent of the Internet and other technological innovations has completely changed the way in which Copyright infringements are carried out today. Within a matter of seconds digitally altered copyrighted works can be distributed across the world in a matter of seconds causing huge financial loss to the creators of Copyrighted works. The recent infringements happening in the Movie and Music industry are an apt example for these type of new cyber infringements. Our lawyers arena tune with the times and can help you in protecting your rights in this new technological era.

Get connected with our expert consultants to get your Copyrights registered and protected in UAE and across the world.

Our Services include:

  • Copyright Registration
  • Assignment of Copyright
  • Copyright Licensing Agreements
  • Enforcement of Copyright
  • Anti-Counterfeiting Measures
  • Copyright Litigation

Let us help you!

If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

Call : +971 4 2278125 / +971 50 509 3949 Suite # 109,
Arzoo Building Al Twar 2, Near Al Twar Center, Al Qusais, Dubai, UAE

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Let us help you! Call Now : +971 4 2278125 / +971 50 509 3949
Suite # 109, Arzoo Building Al Twar 2,
Near Al Twar Center,
Al Qusais, Dubai, UAE