When it comes to the company setup in UAE, Mainland companies are considered to be the most developed and robust business entities, governed by the Commercial Companies Law (Federal Law No. 2 of 2015) (“CCL”).
LLC is the most common incorporation to operate commercial activities such as contracting and trading. The companies are directly registered under the Department of Economic Development of each Emirate and perform various business activities.
Why Choose Mainland?
Legal types of Companies in the UAE Mainland:
LLC in Dubai can carry out the business activities such as trading, technical services, constructions, etc. These types of companies are the widely registered companies in the UAE, which requires 51% shareholdings in the company to be held by the UAE nationals. Minimum of 2 and maximum of 50 shareholders can be included in a LLC company.
Setting up Public Shareholding Companies in UAE is allowed but it requires special approval from the authorized governmental body and requires hefty documentary requirements. Whatever may be the procedural difficulties, we are determined to assist you in this hectic journey of Mainland company formation in the UAE right from the beginning.
Process of Mainland Company Setup in UAE
The registration process nearly takes about a week from the submission of documents.
If you need to register a Mainland company in UAE, then, you are at right place.
Our experienced consultants will guide you throughout the process of registering a Mainland Company.
Schedule your free consultation with us for further inquiry and needful assistance.
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